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Continuing with PROJECTbyH.'s insistence on clothing philosophy, SS20 is presented with completely natural fabrics and undyed cotton threads. No artificial materials such as plastic, zipper, ironing lining, nylon, or polyester are used. At the technical level, the challenge that started last year is still implemented. The pure cotton lathe method is used to replace the traditional ironing lining. Instead, two layers of cloths were combined stitch by stitch to stiffen the structure. In-depth discussion of human body texture and bone structure, PROJECTbyH. insists on neutral tailoring, creating a back-to-nature clothing experience.


RE_CONNECT is the process of seeking roots, connecting with the land, nature, and the world, experiencing and integrating into all things.

延續PROJECTbyH. 一直以來對於服裝哲學的堅持,SS20整季以完全天然布料及未染色純棉線呈現。無使用人造、塑膠、拉鍊、燙襯等材料。技術層面上,依然貫徹去年開始的挑戰,以純棉布壓車工法代替傳統燙襯的製作方式,完全一針一線將表布與襯布結合,從而固定結構。深入探討人體肌理與骨骼結構,PROJECTbyH. 堅持中性剪裁,創造出反璞歸真的衣著體驗。

RE_CONNECT 即是尋根,與土地、自然和世界做連結,體驗、融入萬物的歷程。

Photography: Chris Po-Yen Lee

Modeling:    趙  小  賢

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